10 New Mengxue for the 21st Century - YCCECE and CHERI’s Recent Explorations 21世纪新蒙学 – 耀中幼教学院与楚珩教育研究所之最新探索
|YCYW schools

2024年3月01日 14:30 – 15:15
YCYW schools
About the Session
Title: New Mengxue for the 21st Century - YCCECE and CHERI’s Recent Explorations
Speakers: Dr Ching Hui and Ms Hui-Min Tao
Since 2021, our colleagues from YCCECE and CHERI have been exploring the introduction of Mengxue to ECE by various means. In this workshop, we are going to demonstrate how the awareness, doctrines, contents and feedback of the “New Mengxue for the 21st Century” contribute to our endeavours in recent years.
We will also showcase our projects, namely “China On-Live-On-site Learning”, “Play based Learning - Interactive Puppet Show on Journey to the West ”, “TongMeng Cultural Ambassadors” as well as our most recent publications -the six-volume “Mengxue Children’s Stories”.
题目:二十一世纪新蒙学 – 耀中幼教学院与楚珩教育研究所之最新探索
自2021年以来,耀中幼教学院与楚珩教育研究所的同仁一直运用各种方式探索如何把蒙学引入幼儿教育中。在这工作坊中,参加者可以通过 "21世纪新蒙学"的理论、内容和反馈介绍,了解我们近年努力的经验和心得。