11 Igniting the Spark of STEM in Early Childhood Education 在幼儿教育中点燃STEM火花
|YCYW schools

2024年3月01日 14:30 – 15:15
YCYW schools
About the Session
Title: Igniting the Spark of STEM in Early Childhood Education: Overcoming Teacher Confidence Barriers with JumpStarter’s Award-Winning Approach
Speakers: Dr Brad Chan and Ms Rou-Yu Wen
In our presentation, "Igniting STEM Spark in Early Education: Overcoming Teacher Confidence Barriers with JumpStarter’s Award-Winning Approach," we will explore how the JumpStarter series has revolutionized STEM teaching in kindergartens. We'll delve into strategies that have successfully dismantled the barriers of teacher hesitancy and built a robust framework for confidence and competence. Through interactive activities and compelling case studies, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of JumpStarter’s play-based, inquiry-driven model in cultivating a passion for STEM among both educators and students at the earliest stages of learning.