3 Connect – Empower – Transform 连结 – 赋权 – 转化
|YCYW schools

2024年3月01日 14:30 – 15:15
YCYW schools
About the Session
Title: Connect – Empower – Transform
Speakers: Ms Jana van Zyl
At the heart of our educational philosophy is character formation. We firmly believe that by fostering character development, our students will be empowered to face the challenges of an ever-changing and unpredictable world. Our goal is to nurture servant leaders who will shape the future with their values and vision.
We also recognise that every child deserves to feel safe, connected, and valued. By addressing their social-emotional needs, we can help them unlock their full potential and become the best version of themselves.
In this workshop, we will engage you in activities to better understand our YCYW Wellness Framework a comprehensive guide that provides the foundation and roadmap for character development and wellness in our schools.
题目:连结 – 赋权 – 转化
讲者:Jana van Zyl女士
品格培养是我们教育理念的核心。 我们深信,品格培养有助学生应对变幻莫测世界带来的挑战。 我们的目标是培养仆人领袖,以他们的价值观和愿景塑造未来。
我们也相信,每个孩子都应该有感到安全、与人连系和受到重视的权利。 通过满足他们的社交情感需要,我们帮助他们充分发挥潜能,成为最好的自己。
在这工作坊中,我们将通过活动,让您进一步了解耀中耀华的身心健康框架 – 一个为学校品格培养和身心健康发展提供基础与蓝图的综合指引。