Mr Liu Jian 刘健先生 | Future-oriented Astronomy Education 面向未来的天文科学教育

2024年3月02日 09:45 – 10:15
About the Session
About the Session
Abstract: To be advised
Mr Liu Jian
Deputy Director-General of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
Director of the Shanghai Astronomy Museum Administrative Committee
Mr. Liu Jian, the 13th Shanghai Municipal Committee Member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), is currently serving as the Deputy Director-General of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the director of the Shanghai Astronomy Museum Administrative Committee (part of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum). He has served as Director of the International Department as well as of the Popularization Department of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology. Mr. Liu Jian has long been engaged in the popularization of science and possess a wealth of experience in the fields of science education and science popularization. During his tenure as Director of the International Department of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, he was in charge of the organization of the World Engineers Convention 2004, which hosted 3,000 participants and was hailed by Zhou Guangzhao, then President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Xu Kuangdi, President of the Academy of Engineering as a model of international conference in the field of world engineering and technology. During his tenure as the Director of Science Popularization Department of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, his team was awarded as the National Advanced Group for Popularization of Science by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Central Propaganda Department and the China Association for Science and Technology, Shanghai Association for Science and Technology was awarded as the Outstanding Organization of the National Popularization of Science Day by the China Association for Science and Technology for seven consecutive years. He was awarded the 2013-2014 Shanghai Advanced Worker in Science and Technology System and the 2017 Shanghai Labour Day Medal.
刘健,第十三届上海市政协委员,现任上海科技馆副馆长、上海天文馆(上海科技馆分馆)管理委员会主任,历任上海市科协国际部部长、上海市科协普及部部长。刘健同志长期从事科普工作,在科学教育、科学普及等领域有着丰富的经验。任市科协国际部部长期间,曾负责 3000 人规模的 2004 年世界工程师大会的筹备,该会议被时任中科院院长周光召和工程院院长徐匡迪誉为世界工程技术领域国际会议的典范。任市科协科普部部长期间,所带团队曾被科技部、中宣部和中国科协评为全国科普工作先进集体,上海市科协连续7年被中国科协评为“全国科普日”活动优秀组织。个人曾荣获2013-2014年度上海市科技系统先进工作者、2017年上海市“五一”劳动奖章等。