WS303 工作坊: Quizizz:一款方便、实用且受学生喜爱的形成性评价工具
科目: 任何科目; 年级: 小学及中学各级
2022年2月26日 09:45 – 10:55
About the Session
姓名 : 万莉
工作坊: Quizizz:一款方便、实用且受学生喜爱的形成性评价工具
演讲语言: 普通话
日期: 2月26日
科目: 任何科目
年级: 小学及中学各级
校区 : 广州耀华中学
主题 : 在学习共同体中照顾学生个别差异
摘要: A. 工作坊內容:主要是介绍如何使用Quizizz来进行形成性评价。Quizizz具有以下几个优势: 1.连接速度快:相对于名声在外的Kahoot,这个网站在国内的打开速度更快。 2.使用方便:学生们无需注册,也不用下载APP,只要在电脑、平板、手机端打开网站,输入游戏码,即可参与答题。 3.教学实用性强,可进行随堂测验,开展知识竞赛(个人或团队赛形式均可),答题结束后还可轻松获取每位参与者的学情报告。 4.趣味性强:答题时显示倒计时以及实时排行榜,无形中让答题变得更加紧张刺激。5.可照顾学生个别差异,同学们可按照不同的速度答题,且答题全部结束后可自行查看自己的错题及正确答案。 B. 工作坊的目标:让参与的老师们了解如何使用Quizizz来进行形成性评价,并最终在课堂或课外活动中使用它来促进学生们的学习。
Name: Maggie WAN
Workshop: Quizizz: a handy, practical and popular formative assessment tool for students
Language of presentation: Putonghua
Code: WS303
Date: 26th Feb
Subject: Any subject
Year: Primary and secondary
School: YWIES Guangzhou (Secondary)
Theme: Catering for Students’ Individual Differences in Learning Communities
60 minutes
Without simultaneous interpretation
A. Workshop content: The main focus is on how to use Quizizz for formative assessment. Quizizz has several advantages: 1. Fast connection: Compared to the well-known Kahoot, this website is faster to open in China. 2. Easy to use: Students do not need to register or download an App. They can simply open the website on their computer, tablet or mobile phone, enter the game code and participate in the quiz. 3. Highly practical for teaching: Teachers can take quizzes and conduct competitions (either in individual or team format) any time in classroom teaching, and it is easy to access each student’s learning report at the end of the quiz. 4. Interesting: A countdown timer and a real-time leaderboard are displayed during the quiz, which makes it even more exciting. 5. Cater for individual differences: Students can answer questions at different speeds, and they can check their own mistakes and correct answers after the quiz is completed.
B. Objective of the workshop: Enable participants to understand how to use Quizizz for formative assessment and eventually use it in the classroom or in extra-curricular activities to enhance learning.