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Professor Nancy Law

Faculty of Education at Hong Kong University

Beyond Blending: Insights From Recent Research in Addressing the “New Normal”

Professor Nancy Law W.Y.
Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

There are two lines of research in education that can provide helpful insight to teachers and schools in their pioneering efforts to innovate education and to prepare for the uncertainties that we face in the “new normal”. These are research on learning design and on effective models of e-learning leadership (or e-leadership for short) development. This talk will start by introducing the published findings on a recent research project, eCitizen Education 360, that I have led on the impact of school suspension on students, teachers and schools in Hong Kong, and what factors contribute most prominently to the online learning preparedness of schools and teachers under the new normal. The implications for educational policy and practice will be illustrated through the latest advances in research on learning design and e-leadership development.


超越混合模式: 從最新的研究成果看如何應對「新常態」



有兩種教育研究方向,能幫助教師和學校開拓創新教育,並為他們面對充滿不確定性的「新常態」作好準備。這兩種研究,分別是學習設計和有效的「數碼領導」(簡稱 e-leadership) 發展模式。本講座會介紹由我主持的「數碼素養 360 」(eCitizen Education 360) 計劃的最新研究成果。該研究的重點,是關於停課對香港學生、教師和學校帶來的衝擊,以及在新常態下,甚麼是最關鍵因素,能影響學校和教師的網上學習部署。通過學習設計與數碼領導發展的最新研究,我們將展示這對教育政策與實踐帶來的影響。

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