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1 Educational Futures – Why make a change? 教育的未来 – 为何要作出改变?



YCYW schools

1 Educational Futures – Why make a change? 教育的未来 – 为何要作出改变?
1 Educational Futures – Why make a change? 教育的未来 – 为何要作出改变?


2024年3月01日 14:30 – 15:15

YCYW schools

About the Session

Title: Educational Futures – Why make a change?

Speakers: Dr Chris Hurley and Ms Trill Zhang

Educational Futures - why should we explore new ways of educating? Our EdFutures division aims to immerse students and staff in exploring new ways of learning through real-world experiences, networking and interacting with experts from around the world and developing initiative, ingenuity and emotional and inquiry intelligence. Participants in this workshop will explore why it matters and how understanding the “why” helps to drive motivation, engagement and inquiry for students and staff to see further success.

题目:教育的未来 – 为何要作出改变?


教育的未来 – 为什么我们需要探索新的教育模式?我们的EdFutures 部门正推动学生和教师,通过参与现实的体验、与世界各地专家的联系和交流,探索新的学习方式;从而培养他们的主动及独创精神,提升情商与探究能力。 本工作坊参加者将一同探讨新教育模式的重要性,从而推动学生与教师的动力、参与和探究,获取未来的成果。

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