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40 Leading Collaboration in Teams to Create Future-Ready Learning Environments




Subject: STEAM Years: All

40 Leading Collaboration in Teams to Create Future-Ready Learning Environments
40 Leading Collaboration in Teams to Create Future-Ready Learning Environments


2024年3月02日 11:45 – 12:45


About the Session

Meeting ID: 922 4123 5794

Passcode: 689045

Name: Stephen Whitehead


Language of presentation: English (without simultaneous interpretation)

School: YCIS Qingdao

Abstract: In today's rapidly changing AI-focused world, preparing students to thrive in the future requires more than just academic knowledge. It demands the development of a wide range of skills and competencies that enable them to navigate complexities, collaborate effectively, and embrace innovation. In the workshop on "Leading Collaboration in Teams to Create Future-Ready Learning Environments." We will dive into the practical aspects of fostering collaboration between disciplines on STEAM projects to instill essential future-ready skills in our students.


In this dynamic and interactive session, we will focus on the "how-to" rather than theory, equipping you with actionable strategies to lead effective collaboration among both peers and your students. We all understand the immense potential of cross-disciplinary collaboration in developing skills such as critical thinking, creativity, technological literacy and competency, and global citizenship.


Throughout the workshop, we will explore real-world scenarios where teachers face coordination challenges in creating future-ready STEAM projects. By examining these scenarios, we will identify common pitfalls and discuss practical ways to overcome them. These skills can then be transferred to our students to help them gain the most from their experiences.


Within the context of creating future-ready learning environments, you will learn how to establish a supportive environment that values every participant's input, set clear expectations for equal participation, use structured discussions to ensure inclusive dialogue, assign roles and responsibilities for balanced engagement, and seek input from all team members, and importantly, how to avoid common pitfalls and inaction. We will also explore the effective use of collaborative tools and techniques to promote active participation.


By the end of this workshop, you will leave with a toolkit of strategies and approaches that will empower you to lead collaborative projects, nurture future-ready skills, and create dynamic future-ready learning environments for your students.


Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the power of collaboration in shaping our students' future success!

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