PS201 讲座: 做好师生互动,教学事半功倍 Presentation: Good teacher-student interaction makes teaching more effective
|普通话 Putonghua(With English interpretation)
科目: 中文教学 ;年级: 小学一年级; Subject: Chinese,Year: Year 1
2022年2月25日 11:55 – 12:25
普通话 Putonghua(With English interpretation)
About the Session
姓名: 郑吉
讲座: 做好师生互动,教学事半功倍
演讲语言:普通话 (提供英语实时传译)
日期: 2月25日
科目: 中文教学
年级: 小学一年级
校区: 上海耀中浦西小学
主题: 在学习共同体中融入语文学习
摘要: 早期阅读活动只是与孩子一起阅读图书吗?时间长了,孩子不想听了怎么办呢?怎么才能与孩子形成良好的互动,激发起他们的兴趣,推助他们的经验链接?今天我们就来聊聊早期阅读活动中的师生互动,让阅读有趣,使教学有味!
Name: ZHENG, Ji
Presentation: Good teacher-student interaction makes teaching more effective
Language of presentation: Putonghua (With English simultaneous interpretation)
Code: PS201
Date: 25th Feb
Subject: Chinese
Year: Year 1
School: YCIS Shanghai Puxi (Primary)
Theme: Integrating Language Learning in Learning Communities
30 minutes
Abstract: Are early reading activities just about reading books with children? What happens when time goes on and the child no longer wants to listen? How can you interact with children in a positive way, stimulating their interest and facilitating the connection of their experiences? So, let us discuss teacher-student interaction in early reading activities to make reading fun and teaching enjoyable!