PS202 Presentation: Mixed: The East/West Dialectic in Education through the Eyes of Intercultural Families
Fri, 24 Feb
Subject: General - Relevant to all Subject Areas; Year: General - Relevant to both Primary and Secondary; 科目:一般性课程 - 与所有学科领域相关; 年级:一般性课程 - 小学和中学都相关

24 Feb 2023, 11:50 – 12:20
About the Session
Name: Eric Layman
Presentation: Mixed: The East/West Dialectic in Education through the Eyes of Intercultural Families
Language of presentation: English(without simultaneous interpretation)
Code: PS202
Subject: General - Relevant to all Subject Areas
Year: General - Relevant to both Primary and Secondary
School: YCIS Hong Kong Secondary
30 minutes
Abstract: This presentation will explore the ongoing cultural "dialectic," or debate, between notions of Eastern and Western traditions in education and pedagogy. This comparison will focus on the supposed advantages and disadvantages with regard to long-term success, as well as fostering creativity and innovation. After mapping out the theoretical contours of this discussion, Eric will present his original research on how the dialectic is perceived by intercultural families—that is, families with mixed educational background of both Eastern and Western traditions--and how these perceptions have informed their own decisions regarding their children's education. The intended outcome of this presentation is for teachers to think critically about their own cultural biases inherent to their own educational experiences, and also to foster new ways of thinking with regard to what a truly intercultural blend of Eastern and Western education could look like in the future.
姓名:Eric Layman
科目:一般性课程 - 与所有学科领域相关
年级:一般性课程 - 小学和中学都相关
摘要:本演讲将探讨东西方传统教育和教学法之间正在进行的文化“辩证法”或辩论。这种比较将侧重于长期成功以及培养创造力和创新方面的假设优势和劣势。在勾勒出本次讨论的理论轮廓之后,Eric 将展示他关于跨文化家庭(即具有东西方传统混合教育背景的家庭)如何看待辩证法的原始研究,以及这些观念如何影响他们自己关于子女教育的决定。本次演讲的预期结果是让教师批判性地思考他们自己的教育经历所固有的文化偏见,并培养新的思维方式来思考东西方教育真正的跨文化融合在未来会是什么样子。