|普通话 Putonghua(With English interpretation)
PS404 讲座:掬古典之泉;润心灵之园 Presentation: Sharing the Implementation of the “5-Minute Chinese Classics"
科目:各学科;年级:小学及中学 Subject: All; Year: Primary and secondary
2022年2月25日 14:10 – 14:40
普通话 Putonghua(With English interpretation)
About the Session
姓名:王红超(YWYT),杨丽丽 (YCQD),杜洁 (YCQD),杨漾 (YCQD),Lisa Rose-jeffreys (YCHK),Amata Lo (YCHK)
演讲语言:普通话 (提供英语实时传译)
主题: 耀中耀华12个价值观
摘要: 为了使耀中耀华的每个学生每天能够接触中华经典名句,从而增进对中国文化的认识,体会优秀传统文化的意义,从而砥砺家国情怀、增强社会关爱,机构于本学年推出了“中华经典五分钟”计划。 本讲座将邀请3-4所学校分享在推广“中华经典五分钟”计划中所尝试的最佳实践,展示学校如何通过组织丰富多彩的活动,给学生提供各种学习机会,使其能够理解、吟诵、积累、内化这些能够代表中国传统核心思想且又能反映时代要求的千古名句,从多视角、多层面理解、思考这些经典名句的含义。
Name: Andrew Yang(YWYT), Lily Yang (YCQD), Ivy Du (YCQD), Kelly Yang (YCQD), Lisa Rose-jeffreys (YCHK), Amata Lo (YCHK)
Presentation: Spiritual cultivation through classical literature: – Sharing the Implementation of the “5-Minute Chinese Classics”
Language of presentation: Putonghua (With English simultaneous interpretation)
Code: PS404
Date: 25th Feb
Subject: All
Year: Primary and secondary
Theme: YCYW 12 Values
30 minutes
Abstract: The “5-Minute Chinese Classics” project has been officially launched in this academic year. Through learning some Chinese classic quotations each day, students will be able to master the essence and meaning of Chinese traditional culture, thereby cultivating affection for their homeland and care for society. In this presentation, representatives from 3 to 4 campuses will share their practices in implementing this programme and demonstrate how their schools, through providing a wide range of learning activities, help students to appreciate, recite, absorb and internalise these quotations which aptly respond to the needs of the times, as well as to study them from multiple perspectives.