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WS203 工作坊: 初中教学尝试分享:培养学生的学习自主性




科目: 中文教学; 年级: 中学7-9年级一语

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2022年2月25日 13:30 – 14:40


About the Session

姓名: 朱燕老师

工作坊: 初中教学尝试分享:培养学生的学习自主性

演讲语言: 普通话


日期: 2月25日

科目: 中文教学

年级: 中学7-9年级一语

校区: 香港耀中中学

主题: 耀中耀华12个价值观



摘要: 机构的十二价值观中,学生的学习自主性是很重要的一个元素,渗透在多项价值观的表述中。而且,学习小区的顺利实施也离不开这个条件。这就要求老师们在平日教学中加强意识、培养学生的学习自主性。 本次工作坊中,我将分享一些自己在初中教学中以下方面的尝试: 1)差异化引导。针对学生不同的学情、采用不同方式进行反思、鼓励。2)教学活动。设计一些活动来连接学科与社会语境,激发学生的语言学习动力。 培养学生的学习自主性是一项挑战,希望能借工作坊机会与老师们一齐探讨、一齐学习。

Name: Yan ZHU

Workshop: Sharing of lower secondary teaching experiences: Cultivating students' learning autonomy

Language of presentation: Putonghua

Code: WS203

Date: 25th Feb

Subject: Chinese

Year: Year 7-Year 9, First Language

School: YCIS Hong Kong (Secondary)

Theme: YCYW 12-Values

60 minutes

Without simultaneous interpretation

Abstract: Students' autonomy in learning is an important element of the organisation's 12 values, which are expressed in a number of value statements. It is also essential to the successful implementation of the learning communities. Nurturing student autonomy requires teachers to raise awareness and foster students' learning independence in their teaching. In this workshop, I will share some of my own experiences in the following aspects of teaching in Lower Secondary Schools. 1) Differentiated guidance. Different approaches to reflection and encouragement for students of different learning styles. 2) Teaching activities. To design activities that connect the subject with the social context and stimulate students' motivation for language learning. It is a challenge to develop the autonomy of students in learning and I hope to take the opportunity to discuss and study with the teachers in the workshop.

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