WS204 工作坊:大单元教学设计初探: 在学习共同体中融入语文学习
科目: 中文; 年级: 小学各级
2022年2月25日 13:30 – 14:40
About the Session
姓名 : 孙海伟, Wendy Wan
工作坊:大单元教学设计初探: 在学习共同体中融入语文学习
演讲语言: 普通话
日期: 2月25日
科目: 中文
年级: 小学各级
校区 : 上海耀中浦西小学
主题: 在学习共同体中融入语文学习
摘要: 如何在学习共同体中融入语文学习?项目式学习,探究式学习,综合性学习,跨学科学习,以概念为本的学习……其中,“大单元教学”可能是一条行之有效的路径。本工作坊将以小学为例,分享近两年来关于中文大单元母语教学和非母语教学的学习成果与实践反思。期待与大家就新时期背景下的中文教学进行交流与探讨!
Name: Lily Sun, Wendy Wan
Workshop: Unit Design: Integrating Language Learning in Learning Communities
Language of presentation: Putonghua
Code: WS204
Date: 25th Feb
Subject: Chinese Language
Year: Primary levels
School: YCIS Shanghai Puxi (Primary)
Theme: Integrating Language Learning in Learning Communities
60 minutes
Without simultaneous interpretation
Abstract: How can language learning be integrated in learning communities? Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, integrative learning, cross-curricular learning, concept-based learning ...... Among them, "Theme teaching" may be a proven pathway. In this workshop, we will share our learning and reflections from the last two years of teaching Chinese as a first language and as an additional language, using primary school classes as examples. We look forward to sharing and discussing the teaching of Chinese in the new context!