26 Feb 2022, 09:45 – 10:55
About the Session
姓名: Jim, Wing Sze
工作坊 :协助孩子克服「分离焦虑」
科目: 任何科目
主题: 在学习共同体中照顾学生个别差异
摘要: 每当新生入学,老师会经常面对「妈妈不要走! 我不想上学!」 的情境。当小朋友面对新环境和陌生人时,都会出现各种不安和焦虑情绪。 家长很多时候也不知道如何处理,或如何跟老师配合。而小朋友的分离焦虑其实是一种正常的情绪反应,这反映着小朋友对未知或未来感到不安和担忧,并期望得到父母与老师的理解与保护。在工作坊内,我们会一起讨论如何让家长理解小朋友面对转变时的焦虑,一般的表现和情绪反应。 老师又可如何让家长配合,协助小朋友克服分离的焦虑,并顺利完成整个分离过程,及享受愉快的校园生活。这也是家庭与学校建立良好关系的好开始,彼此合作,成为强而有力的家校合作团队。
Name: Jim, Wing Sze
Workshop: Helping children overcome 'separation anxiety'
Language of presentation: Putonghua
Code: WS311
Date: 26th Feb
Subject: Any subject
Year: ECE
School: YCIS Hong Kong ECE
Theme: Catering for Students’ Individual Differences in Learning Communities
60 minutes
Without simultaneous interpretation
Abstract: When new students start school, teachers are often confronted with the following situation: "Mommy, don't go!”; “I don't want to go to school!". When children are put in a new environment with strangers, they will easily give way to negative emotions such as insecurity and anxiety. Parents often do not know how to deal with this or how to work with the teachers. Separation anxiety is a natural emotional response, reflecting the child's anxiety and worry about the unfamiliar or unknown situation, and the child's desire to be understood and to be protected by parents and teachers. During the workshop, we will discuss how parents can have a better understanding of their children’s anxiety, general behaviour and emotional reactions when facing a transition. Teachers can also work with parents to help their children overcome separation anxiety by going through a strategic process so that children can enjoy their school life. This is also a good channel to establish good parent-school relationships, and to have parents and teachers work together as a strong team.