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22 How can we effectively utilize data to enhance our students' future readiness

Sat, 02 Mar



Subject: CEM Years: Lower Secondary

22 How can we effectively utilize data to enhance our students' future readiness
22 How can we effectively utilize data to enhance our students' future readiness


02 Mar 2024, 10:30 – 11:30


About the Session

Meeting ID: 986 6110 7240

Passcode: 065815

Name: Thomas Burns

Workshop: How can we effectively utilize data to enhance our students' future readiness and equip them for their academic and career journeys?

Language of presentation: English (without simultaneous interpretation)

School: YCIS Shanghai

Abstract: The analysis of CEM data and Lower School exam results offers valuable insights into the short-term academic success of our students. By examining the longitudinal CEM scores and internal exam results of students from two YCIS campuses, we can better understand the correlation between these scores and grades at the IB level. This information is crucial in ensuring our students are adequately prepared for their future academic and non-academic pursuits as they progress through the upper school.


You will leave this session:

  • With a clear sense of the value data, such as CEM, can provide in understanding learner needs and progress
  • Better equipped to understand such analysis and use this understanding to make informed adaptions to learning and teaching.

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