Dr Gary Morrison | International Education Beyond East and West 论超越东西的国际教育
Fri, 01 Mar

01 Mar 2024, 10:20 – 10:45
About the Session
About the Session
Abstract: To be advised
Dr Gary Morrison
Founding Chairman of the College Governing Council and Supervisor of Yew Chung Community College (now known as YCCECE)
Dr Gary Morrison holds a Bachelor's Degree with High Honours in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). He was a University of California Regents Scholar, a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, and a member of Phi Delta Kappa, an international association for professional educators. He was awarded a full fellowship to Yale University where he acquired his Master's Degree in the multidisciplinary programme specializing in Southeast Asian Studies, with history as his primary discipline while Cambodian Studies and Cambodian language as his regional specialities. After engaging in international education, he earned a Doctorate Degree at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Dr Morrison is not only an educational pioneer, community builder, and innovative thinker, but is also a genuine global citizen whose world-embracing vision has taken him to South America, the Pacific Islands, and Hong Kong. In 1997, he joined the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF) as Head of Admissions, Promotion and Marketing; subsequently took up the post of the Head of Overseas University Placement Programme, and eventually served as the Assistant Director. In 2008, Dr Morrison became the Founding Chairman of the College Governing Council and the Supervisor of Yew Chung Community College. In 2019, he was awarded the inaugural Honorary Fellowship of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education.
莫理逊博士拥有加州大学圣巴巴拉分校历史学系之高等荣誉学士学位。他是加州大学摄政学者、伍德罗·威尔逊研究员,美国国际教育荣誉学会Phi Delta Kappa之成员。在耶鲁大学全额奖学金资助下,莫博士修读了东南亚研究多学科课程的硕士学位,主修历史,以柬埔寨研究及柬埔寨语为专攻领域。及后,他投身国际教育,并于麻省大学阿默斯特分校取得博士学位。
莫理遜博士不但是一名教育先驱、社区建设者和创新思想家,他也是一名胸怀世界、身体力行的世界公民,他的抱负把他带到南美洲、太平洋岛屿以及香港去。 他于1997年加入耀中教育机构,成为学校的招生部和市场推广部主管;接着,他担任海外大学升学项目主管及副总监。莫理逊博士于2008 年成为耀中社区书院之首任校董会主席及校监,于2019年获颁耀中幼教学院首届荣誉院士。