Fri, 25 Feb
|英文及普通话 (双语) English & Putonghua (Bilingual)
WS103 工作坊:我们与ECE价值观的旅程 Workshop: Our Journey with the ECE Values
科目:适合任何科目; 年级:ECE ;Subject: Any subject; Year: ECE
25 Feb 2022, 11:15 – 12:25
英文及普通话 (双语) English & Putonghua (Bilingual)
About the Session
姓名:Daisy XU and Caroline PROCTOR
摘要:在本次网络研讨会中,我们将阐述YCYW ECE价值观为核心的学习及成长旅程,并描述我们作为一个学习共同体如何接受这些价值观,以至如何将它们成为日常实践的主要框架来贯穿整个幼教部的课程发展。从我们首次向上海耀中浦西幼教部成员们介绍12个价值观以来,已经历了三年的学习和成长之旅,但这条实践之路依旧继续并持续发展。它已涉及到许多相关的个人实践、学习反思、团队合作;也运用到不同的策略和发展目标。因此,我们非常荣幸与大家一起分享。 本次网络研讨会将以英文和普通话向大家呈现,并配有双语的PPT文件。
Name: Daisy XU and Caroline PROCTOR
Workshop: Our Journey with the ECE Values
Language of presentation: English and Putonghua (Bilingual)
Code: WS103
Date: 25th Feb
Subject: Any subject
Year: ECE
School: YCIS Shanghai Puxi ECE
Theme: YCYW 12 Values
60 minutes
Abstract: In this webinar we will outline our journey with the YCYW ECE Values and to describe how we, as learning communities, have embraced the Values so that they have become the main framework informing the daily practice throughout our ECE. It has been a three-year journey since we first introduced the 12 Values to the Shanghai Puxi ECE community, and our journey is continuing. It has involved much personal and profession reflection; teamwork and collaboration, and we are happy to be able to share this journey and outline the different strategies used to help us on our way. This webinar will be delivered in English and Mandarin with a bilingual PPT.